Should My Kids Watch the News?
Image by Mike Bellet on Unsplash
The news these days is traumatic for almost everyone who watches it, but children are particularly susceptible to the fear that plays across our screens. As we all know, it is essential to stay aware of what is going on in the world. But you can still set appropriate boundaries around your family’s exposure to the news, especially when your kids are young.
In this article, we will discuss how to determine when to censor your child from the news while also introducing them to these complex topics when they are at the right age.
How Does the News Effect My Kids?
For nearly every person, no matter the age, the news can be quite frightening at times, particularly with the many traumatic current events. Excessive exposure to the news can cause undue stress, anxiety, or sadness. But on the other end, understanding what is happening in the world can give your children a greater capacity for compassion, empathy, and complex thinking skills.
The impacts of the news are different for each person, and it is crucial to take your individual child’s demeanour and coping skills into consideration. But during this process of gradual exposure to the news, you can also help your child to understand the world we live in, teach them how to cope with their emotions, and find greater ease in their mind despite what happens around us.
The Importance of Discussing Current Events with Your Kids
Although it is certainly important to protect your children at a young age, at a certain point, they will likely begin to find things out on their own. We cannot keep our children in a safe bubble forever, as much as we may want to.
As you begin to transition your children to watch the news, you can set appropriate boundaries around their media time and select news sources that make things more understandable and without too many graphic details.
This is also an excellent opportunity to teach your kids about what censored news means, why you protect them for their safety and teach them how to regulate their emotions when they see things that are upsetting. With the proper guidance, you can teach your kids coping skills that can set them up with immense strengths to deal with difficult topics they may face in the future.
When Is the Right Age to Expose My Kids to the News?
It is important to remember that every child and every family is different, so at the end of the day, you as the parent or guardian are the only one who can make this decision. One common suggestion is to wait until your child is at least 7 years old because they will not have the developmental abilities yet to understand these complex events.
After this age, you can gradually begin to expose them to the news with appropriate boundaries at the pace that feels right for you. Every situation is different, and if you are reading this article, you are likely a parent who has the skills to discern this on your own and make the best decisions for your family. Just remember to stay focused on the underlying intention and teach your child effective coping skills with whatever they face.