Where would be without you?

Did you know April is administration appreciation month. As busy allied health practitioners, we often rely on the hard work and dedication of a practice manager to ensure that the practice runs smoothly. We all take on certain responsibilities and work as a team, but at the end of the day, we cannot overstate the importance of having a capable and organised practice manager, as they are essential in keeping the practice running efficiently and providing excellent patient care.

We here at With You Allied Health feel ridiculously privileged to have such a vibrant and capable individual along for the ride with us.

Practice managers are responsible for a variety of tasks, including scheduling appointments, managing patient records, and overseeing financial operations. They must possess excellent organizational skills, as they are responsible for ensuring that the practice meets all legal, ethical, and administrative requirements. Additionally, practice managers are often tasked with managing staff and monitoring client care.

The job of a practice manager is often thankless and can be quite stressful. In the area of mental health, they often have to cope with the demands of stressed individuals, as well as parents advocating for their child to access support, often at their wits end. After the last few years in particular, the demands the public often place on these individuals are immense, and often we are not savvy to the content of these calls while we are in our offices.

Despite this, practice managers take on these tasks with enthusiasm and dedication. Their hard work and dedication is essential to the success and effectiveness of a practice. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank our wonderful practice managers for their tireless effort and dedication. Without their involvement and expertise, our practice would not be able to provide quality care to our clients. We are truly grateful for the work that you do, the level of professionalism shown when you do it, and just for being the amazing human you are.

Thank you!

Steph, Brodi and Sam


Autism Acceptance Month


Why should I talk to my baby - they can’t talk yet themselves!