
Animal Assisted Therapy Dog
Animal-Handler Team: Sawyer and Joelle O’Neill 

Sawyer loves people and particularly enjoys meeting new people as that often means extra pats! Sawyer is a very respectful dog and will often only greet/engage with clients who are clearly wanting his attention, if he senses that a client prefers their own space, he is more than happy to accommodate this.


Sawyer achieved his therapy dog accreditation in 2021 and continues to do an amazing job of helping Joelle’s clients feel more comfortable in sessions. Sawyer is a very chilled out dog who would much rather spend the day snoozing on his dog bed than running around chasing a ball. He spends most therapy sessions fast asleep and will often make clients smile with his snoring, inventive sleeping positions, and occasional sleep talking!


Down Time

While Sawyer loves to come into clinic, it’s important that he has a break too. Sawyer aims to be at clinic 2-3 days per week but enjoys his flexible therapy dog work schedule which gives him the option to work fewer days if he feels that he’s not managed to get enough sunbathing time in over the weekend.


Fun Sawyer Facts

Born 26th January 2015

Rescued from the RSPCA at aged 4

Has two younger fur siblings at home (Daisy and Nala)

Loves going for walks that include plenty of sniff breaks

Enjoys sunbathing – can often be found lying out in the sun on his back with all four paws in the air just loving life

Is not a big fan of loud noises (particularly motorbikes, lawnmowers, and thunderstorms) but is working on being braver

About Sawyer (Border Collie x Staffy)