Understanding Collaborative Problem Solving: Empowering Kids to Succeed

In his ground-breaking book "Kids Do Well If They Can," Dr. Ross W. Greene challenges conventional wisdom by shifting the focus from questioning what is wrong with struggling children to instead explore why they are struggling in the first place. By adopting a collaborative problem-solving approach, Dr. Greene's unique and compassionate methodology offers a refreshing perspective to help children overcome behavioral challenges and reach their full potential. In this blog post, we will delve into the key principles of Dr. Greene's approach, highlighting its effectiveness in creating a conducive environment for kids to thrive.

Understanding the Core Principle:

Dr. Ross W. Greene's groundbreaking approach centers around the belief that children do well if they can. Rather than stigmatising or blaming them for their behavioral difficulties, he emphasizes the need to understand and address the underlying factors that contribute to their struggles. By shifting away from traditional disciplinary methods that often lead to power struggles and resentment, Dr. Greene advocates for a collaborative problem-solving approach that engages both the child and the adult in identifying and resolving the problems behind their behavior.

This approach is rooted in empathy, as it recognizes that challenging behaviors are not intentional acts of defiance but indicators of a child's lagging skills, unmet needs, or unaddressed concerns. Dr. Greene's methodology encourages adults to work together with the child to collaboratively address and resolve the underlying issues through open communication, active listening, and mutual respect.

Applying the Collaborative Problem-Solving Approach:

Dr. Greene's approach primarily focuses on three steps to address challenging behaviours effectively:

1. Identifying the problem: Instead of simply reacting to a child's challenging behaviour, the collaborative problem-solving approach encourages adults to step back and identify the specific problem at hand. By understanding the factors that trigger or maintain the problematic behaviour, they can gain insight into the child's perspective and pinpoint the root cause.

2. Empathetic engagement: Engaging with the child in a non-confrontational manner allows adults to validate the child's feelings and concerns while conveying genuine empathy. Creating a safe environment where children can express themselves freely fosters open communication and builds the foundation for a collaborative problem-solving relationship.

3. Collaborative solutions: The ultimate goal is to collaboratively seek solutions that address the child's unmet needs or lagging skills while considering the adult's expectations and society's requirements. This involves brainstorming and discussing mutually agreeable solutions that are realistic, feasible, and sustainable.

Benefits of Dr. Greene's Approach:

Dr. Ross W. Greene's comprehensive and empathetic framework offers immense benefits for both children and adults involved in the collaborative problem-solving process. Here are some key advantages:

1. Empowerment and self-esteem: Children's participation in resolving their own difficulties fosters a sense of empowerment and bolsters their self-esteem. They become active participants in their own growth and development, leading to increased self-confidence and autonomy.

2. Strengthened relationships: The collaborative problem-solving approach builds stronger relationships between children and adults. It promotes mutual understanding, trust, and respect, enhancing communication and connection while reducing the likelihood of power struggles.

3. Lasting outcomes: By addressing the root causes of challenging behaviours rather than merely suppressing symptoms, Dr Greene's approach lays the groundwork for sustainable resolutions. It equips children with essential skills and strategies to overcome difficulties effectively, promoting lifelong growth and success.

Dr. Ross W. Greene's approach to understanding and addressing the challenges faced by children provides an invaluable framework for transforming their lives. By embracing collaborative problem-solving, adults can empower children to reach their full potential and shape a future where psychological well-being and success go hand in hand. Together, let us adopt a mindset that truly believes that kids do well if they can and that our role is to support and guide them along their journey to success.

Authors: Stephanie Mace, Brodi Killen, and Samantha Pearce

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